Rabu, 25 September 2013

Test Your Knowledge

1. You can have only one SAP system session open at a time.
    Answer : False
2. Which of the following is not part of the information required to log on to the SAP system ?
    Answer : A specific client number, Your ID, Your password.
    You do not customize your settings until you are already logged on the SAP system.
3. Which menus are standard on all SAP screens ?
    Answer : System and Help
    The system menu contains functions that affect the system as a whole - such as create session, User  
    profile, and log off. the help menu provides various forms of online help.
4. Which of the following provides general information on the SAP system and transaction or task 
    you are working on ?
    Answer : Status bar
    The status bar contains information on system messages, as well as system information such as client, 
     user, transaction codes, and response time.
5. In SAP Easy Access menu, you can create a Favorites list containing :
    Answer : Web address, Transaction, Files
    Favorites can consist of Web link or URLs, standard and customer transaction codes, and links to other 
    files such as Microsoft documents or PowerPoint files.
6. List three different types of onlin help that are available in the SAP system.
    Answer :
   Application help, SAP Library, and Glossary are different types on online help available in the SAP system. Also available are Field Level (F1) help, Release Notes, and SAp Service Marketplace. Application help is screen level  help. The SAP Library contains all online documentation. The Grossary defines key words. Field level help provides information on a specific field, the release note document differences between releases, and SAP Service Marketplace is also available to search for documentation.

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