Rabu, 25 September 2013



  SAP system are client systems. The client concept the parallel operation, in one system, of serval enterprises that are independent of each other in business terms. a client is, in organizational terms, an independent unit in the system. Each client has its own data environment and therefor its own master data, transaction data, and assigned user master records.

  Multiple logons are always logged in the system. Thiois for security as well as licensing reasons. A warning message appears if the same user attempts to log on more than once. The message offers three options :
  • continue with the current logon and end any other session (s) of the same user in the system.
  • continue with the logon without ending other sessions in system (logged in system)
  • terminate current logon attempt
Layout, Navigation, and Personalization
  SAP Easy Access is the standard entry screen in the system. you navigate through the system using a compat tree structure.
  You can include an image on the right-hand side such as your company logo. This image can only be entered system-wide and is a cross-client setting. You can preverent this image being called by switching it off under Extras - Settings - Do not display screen .

Navigation Tree
  • transactions
  • files
  • web address
   Every function ( not screen ) in the SAP system is a transaction code ( T Code ). You can access the assigned transaction code from any screen in the system. You can find the transaction code for function you are working in at moment by choosing System information on the status bar or by choosing Status under the System menu option. Other possible entries :
  • /n - ends the current transaction
  • /o - opens a new session
  • /i - ends the current session
  • /oXXX - where XXXX is a transaction code takes you to the specified code pa#0 - Maintain Master Data
Role-Based Menus
  The menus shown here depend on which application you are working in. these menus contain cascading menu options.

Status Bar
  The status bar provides general information on the SAP system and transaction or task you are working on.
  • left end of status bar
  • right end of the status bar
  • second status field
  • thrid status field
Multiple Sessions
  You can create a session at any time. you do not lose any data in sessions that are ready open.

Help Features
  The help menu contains the following options :
  • Application help
  • SAP Library
  • Grossary
  • Release notes
  • SAP SERVICRE Marketplace
  • Create Support Message
  • Setting

  A Human Resoures Management System enables you to set up organizational hierarchiees and employee relationship and then store and administer employee data in the system.
  • Enterprise structure
  • Personnel structure
  • Organizational structure
  The enterprise structure for personnel administation is determined by the following element :
  • Client
  • Company Code
  • Personel area
  • Personnel subarea
  Employee group is a general devision of employee. The employee group defines the relationship between an employee and the contribution yhe company makes to the company in terms of work.

  The Employee subgroup is a fine divition of employee group according to the position of employee.

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